Blueprints! Blueprints! Get your blueprints here! Three for a dollar! Yes, that’s right, in Episode 29 of the Archispeak Podcast we venture out to the third rail and discuss the online selling of plans, exposing the fact that your AIA membership fees are supporting an industry that is trying to cut architects out of residential architecture business.
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What’s it really like to work in architecture? The hosts of Archispeak know, and they’re here to share real-life experiences. Since 2012 architects Evan Troxel and Cormac Phalen have been podcasting their brand of real talk on everything from design, tools, and work/life balance to generational differences, mentoring, job hunting, and more. Probing questions, revelatory interviews, and unique insights have grown their audience and become a weekly ritual for students and seasoned professionals alike.
#28 - No Sympathy
There’s no sympathy in architecture and especially so for the hosts of the Archispeak Podcast. After an epic recording session that will never see the land of Podcastville, we return to the microphones to record Episode 28, where we discuss working “extra” overtime. We also dispense some wisdom on bonuses and using Revit properly.
Read More#27 - Habits for Success
Episode 27 kicks off Season 2 with a very special guest cohost Mark R. LePage! Yes, The Entrepreneur Architect himself joins the cast as we discuss some helpful and not so helpful “Habits for Success.” They seem to be things that architects have a really hard time with including sleep, the ability to say no, and fees.
Read More#26 - Architectural Determinism
Archispeak Podcast Episode 26, the Season 1 Finale, “raises the level” and brings extra value to our listeners by tackling Architectural Determinism. Can design solutions change behavior in a predictable and positive way? Tune in to find out.
Read More#25 - No Exceptions My Ass
Yo! What’s up? Archispeak goes all strategic sloppy and it’s AMAZ! Join Evan, Neal and Cormac as we discuss the topic of spelling or lack there of and how you might not be as creative as you think. Yo!
Read More#24 - 2013 Year in Review
The final episode of 2013 wraps up year one of the Archispeak Podcast. We reminisce about what's happened so far and talk a bit about where we're going in 2014. Thank you loyal listeners for a fantastic start. Happy New Year!
PS Sunday the 29th is your last day to order the Archispeak Podcast Shirt.
Read More#23 - Favorite Things
It's the 1st Annual Archispeak Podcast “Favorite Things” episode! Join Evan, Neal and Cormac as we discuss our list of gift ideas for the architect in your life or for yourself! Also, for a limited time, you can order your very own Archispeak Podcast t-shirt! All the details about dates, sizes and colors (who are we kidding... it only comes in “Architectural Black”) can be found here.
Read More#22 - Sketch Book Mechanics
The Archispeak Podcast becomes “The Cormac Show” as we revisit the art of sketching in Episode 22. This time around we converse about the tools. We review what makes a good sketch book and talk about the merits of using pens, pencils plus paper and trace.
Read More#21 - The Title of “Architect”
Who should and can use the title “Architect?” In Episode 21 the Archispeak Podcast discusses some recent articles on the subject and weigh in with their own opinion.
Read More#20 - The Beauty Pageant
For Episode 20 Archispeak Podcast considers the question, “Do architects care about the building after it’s been photographed?” In it we discuss the reasons an architect should photograph their projects and provide some tips on how to get good photography on the cheap.
Read More#19 - Addendum - The Traditional Way
When Archispeak episode 18 was submitted, as typical with plan submittals, it was only about 90% done. The tape was still rolling at Archispeak HQ and we had a few more things to tag onto the last episode to fill it out. We diverged a bit, as we typically do, and went down the BIM path too.
Read More#18 - The Traditional Way
Archispeak Podcast goes “old school” and discusses the trend in architecture away from sketching and what it means for the profession. We “lay the block and swing the steel” to bring you a cornucopia of opinions and in the end discover that all the answers are found in a role of trace paper.
Read More#17 - Experience Architecture
In this episode the Archispeak Podcast explores the question, “Is Architecture Fashion?” The discussion focuses on how we actually experience architecture, what architectural school should be teaching and if graduates today are good “skinners.”
Read More#16 - Procrastination and Getting Things Done
What can architects do to combat procrastination and what tools can we use to get things done? In this episode the Archispeak Podcast discusses both of these topics and suggest that claiming email bankruptcy is not such a bad thing. We explore ways we each get things done (Cormac loves his Post-It Notes) and come up with a new television idea for TLC: Electronic Hoarders. We also learn that Cormac isn’t Superman. (He cannot really see through walls.)
Read More#15 - Constraints
In this episode of the Archispeak Podcast we discuss all the constraints we have to deal with when creating architecture and ask the question: is possible to design without them? Are there advantages in talking about these constraints with the people who inhabit our projects? Also, Cormac delivers vacation advice from Florida on how to attract sharks.
Read More#14 - “Normal” Business Hours
In this episode of the Archispeak Podcast we discuss the blurring of the line between “normal” business hours, being available all the time, and boundaries in a world where the growing trend is to be hyper-connected and always available at the client's (and the office's) beck and call.
Read More#13 - Missed Opportunities
Archispeak celebrates its 6-month anniversary! We reflect on the past 12 episodes and acknowledge Apple’s 1-billionth podcast subscription milestone. We then discuss why “good enough is the enemy of great” and explore why architects might design compromises into the project before it goes out of the studio/building.
Read More#12 - Permanence in Architecture
In this episode of the Archispeak Podcast, Cormac takes a wild ride and ends up at Fallingwater, which leads into a discussion of the permanence in architecture and how we design and specify materials. Are we designing obsolescence into our buildings? Is all architecture meant to be permanent? Join us as we explore these questions and more.
Read More#11 - The Studio Environment
In this episode Archispeak discusses the place where all the work happens: the studio environment. We examine what is wrong with the modern studio environment and eventually get around to talking about what makes an ideal studio.
Read More#10 - Safety Through Architecture
In this episode Archispeak discusses how architecture can create safer buildings. We examine how schools are designed and retrofitted using technology to make them safer.
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