How hard do you work? So much so that you have made yourself physically sick? What is it about the profession of architecture that makes us practically kill ourselves and be proud that we have done it? Lay back on the psychiatric couch and join Archispeak as we explore this concept and discuss jobs that will make you miserable.
Relax and enjoy some Snowzilla 2016.
This episode of Archispeak is sponsored by:
- ARCAT: Search the ARCAT libraries for architectural building products to find specifications, CAD details, BIM Objects and more, free of charge, with no registration required to download content. ARCAT has created a website devoted to you, the building professional, to find building product information fast and hassle free. Check out ARCAT today, at
Architecture Business Plan Competition: Free registration for the 2016 Architecture Business Plan Competition is open through January 29th. Begin your planning process now, and enter for a chance to win the grand prize of $10,000! Visit to learn more!
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- Fuck working hard by Jessica Semaan
- 5 High-Paying Jobs That Will Make You Miserable
- The Happiest And Unhappiest Jobs In America
The music for this episode is This is What You Get by System Kid. You can buy their music on iTunes. Support the band!